Mpox Explained Clearly

Mpox Update Explained Clearly is an online course designed to enhance primary care clinicians' knowledge and skills regarding mpox (formerly known as Monkeypox). This course provides an in-depth review of the mpox virus, including its transmission, clinical manifestations, treatment options, and available vaccines. Through a blend of video presentations and discussions of clinical scenarios and practice cases, participants will gain a clear and practical understanding of mpox and its management. This updated CME course focuses on the new variant strain (clade) of mpox, highlighting its distinct characteristics and clinical implications.

The sessions included in this course takes a departure from the traditional slide presentation style lecture. Instead, the course is comprised of a video lecture aided by real-time instructor-led chalkboard visuals. This method of learning allows for the subject matter to be broken down to the basics and is designed to increase learning and retention.

Course Contents:
  • Pre Test
  • Mpox Explained Clearly free trial
  • Mpox Mutation Update
  • Mpox Origin and Human Transmission
  • What Ever Happened to Mpox?
  • Mpox (clade IB) in Africa Declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern
  • Mpox: New mRNA Vaccine Versus Traditional Live Virus in Animal Series
Post-Course Quiz (Required for CME/CE Credits)
  • Copy of Instructions
  • Post-course Quiz
Optional: Obtaining your CE Certificate
  • Obtaining your CE Certificate
Congratulations! CME Certificate
  • Your CME Certificate

Course Overview

Mpox Explained Clearly is a course designed to clarify, review, and augment the training and understanding of medical professionals in their understanding of mpox. Mpox Explained Clearly covers the transmission of mpox, the signs and symptoms of mpox, and treatment. 

This CME course will utilize a combination of videos, quizzes, and systematic discussion of clinical scenarios and practice cases to effectively deliver the course content. 

Course Objectives:

As a result of this educational activity, participants should be better able to:

  • Identify the nature of the mpox virus and its transmission pathways.
  • Recognize the signs, symptoms and incubation period of mpox. 
  • Apply appropriate treatment protocols for managing mpox infection.
  • Evaluate the current vaccines available, including their differences and usage.  

Post-Test and Evaluation:

After completing the CME activity, you must successfully complete a post-test and fill out a program evaluation form. You will then be able to view and print your CME certificate.


Roger D. Seheult, MD
Pulmonary, Critical Care, and Sleep Medicine
Renew Medical Group, Redlands, CA
Associate Clinical Professor
UC Riverside School of Medicine, Riverside, CA
Assistant Professor of Medicine
Loma Linda University School of Medicine
Loma Linda, CA


AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™: This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the accreditation requirements and policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) through the joint providership of Continuing Education Company, Inc. and MedCram, LLC. Continuing Education Company, Inc. (CEC) is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians.

Continuing Education Company, Inc. designates this enduring material for a maximum of 1 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

ABIM MOC: Successful completion of this CME activity, which includes participation in the evaluation component, enables the participant to earn up to 1 Medical Knowledge MOC points in the American Board of Internal Medicine's (ABIM) Maintenance of Certification (MOC) program. Participants will earn MOC points equivalent to the amount of CME credits claimed for the activity. It is the CME activity provider's responsibility to submit participant completion information to ACCME for the purpose of granting ABIM MOC credit. 

Please allow 6-8 weeks for your MOC points to appear on your ABIM records.

To receive CME credit and/or MOC points, you MUST complete the activity and the evaluation form. For ABIM MOC points, your information will be shared with the ABIM through the ACCME Program and Activity Reporting System (PARS). 

AAPA: AAPA accepts certificates of participation for educational activities certified for AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ from organizations accredited by ACCME or a recognized state medical society. Physician assistants may receive a maximum of 1 hour of Category I credit for completing this activity.

AANPCB: The American Academy of Nurse Practitioners Certification Board (AANPCB) accepts AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ from organizations accredited by the ACCME. Nurse Practitioners may receive a maximum of 1 hour of Category I credit for completing this activity.

Release Date: 09/04/2024

Expiration Date: 09/03/2025 (Date after which this enduring material is no longer certified for credit.)

Medium: Internet/Enduring Material, Video/Audio

Review and Planning Committee Disclosures

The following individuals have indicated that they have no relevant financial relationships with an ineligible company that may impact upon this CME activity:

  •  Beth Ryan Townsend, CHCP – Reviewer (Continuing Education Company)
  • Lizzie Masters – Reviewer (Continuing Education Company)
  • Kyle Allred, PA-C - Planner & Content Developer (MedCram)

Faculty Disclosures:

The following individuals were responsible for developing their own content, which has been reviewed by Continuing Education Company’s Medical Education Advisory Committee to ensure it is unbiased. Continuing Education Company has ensured that all relevant financial relationships that faculty may have with ineligible companies have been mitigated in advance of the CME activity. An ineligible company is any entity whose primary business is producing, marketing, selling, re-selling, or distributing healthcare products used by or on patients.

Roger Seheult, MD (Faculty) is a consultant for Intrivo. 

Unlabeled Use Declaration:

During their presentation, faculty may discuss unlabeled or investigational use which is not approved for a commercial product. Faculty members are required to disclose this information to the audience when referring to an unlabeled or investigational use.

Statement of Disclosure and Independence:

It is the policy of Continuing Education Company (CEC) to ensure all of its accredited educational activities are designed, implemented, and evaluated in accordance with the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education’s (ACCME) Criteria and Policies. In accordance with ACCME requirements, CEC has Relevant Financial Relationship Disclosure Policies that are designed to ensure that that accredited educational activities are fair, balanced, independent, evidence-based, and based on scientific rigor.

All individuals who are in position to influence and/or control content of a CEC-accredited Continuing Medical Education (CME) activity must disclose any relevant financial interest or other relationships they have with an ineligible company, which is any entity whose primary business is producing, marketing, selling, reselling or distributing healthcare products used by or on patients. (Relevant financial interest or other relationship includes such things as grants or research support, employee, consultant, major stockholder, member of speakers’ bureau, etc.) The intent of this disclosure is to provide activity participants with information to determine whether the speaker’s interests or relationships may influence the presentation with regard to exposition or conclusions. All relevant financial relationships have been identified, mitigated and are listed above. 

The opinions, ideas, recommendations, and perspectives expressed in the syllabus and accompanying presentations at this activity are those of the program authors and presenting faculty only and do not necessarily reflect the opinions, ideas, recommendations or perspectives of their affiliated institutions, Continuing Education Company, advisory boards or consultants.

Computer Requirements

Flash Player 10 or later, and one of the following browsers:

  •  Windows: Internet Explorer 6 and later, Microsoft Edge (latest version), Firefox 1.x and later, Google Chrome (latest version), Opera 9.5 and later
  •  Mac: Safari 3 and later, Firefox 1.x and later, Google Chrome (latest version)
  •  Linux: Firefox 1.x and later

HTML5 via one of the following browsers:

  •  Windows: Google Chrome (latest version)
  •  Mac: Safari 6.0.5 or later, Google Chrome (latest version)
  •  Mobile: Safari in Apple iOS 6 or later

Roger Seheult M.D. is approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider # CEP16824.  This course is approved for 1 CE contact hour.


    good reviews





    Scientific data supported explanation made it easy to understand the content-especially the vaccine efficacy part.


    This is a very interesting topic to learn since I do work in a hospital and have monkeypox cases. It gives me good information and awareness of this disease.




    Learned so much about the virus and how our US gov., WHO & Congolese gov. are trying to eradicate the epidemics. Shocked that it's been around since 1970's & somewhat shocked that it's taken so long for vaccinations to start in the Congo. Curious if vaccinations are going on in Nigeria or other countries. But good job teaching me & making me have faith in the Moderna vax I recently completed before traveling to Tanzania (Congo's neighbor). Thank you for your continual excellent education.


    Excellent review on the clinical signs and symptoms of Monkeypox, and its origin


    Plenty of useful information but the piece on mutations was too long except for researchers.


    Dry interesting and informative. Looking forward to more updates on this evolving situation.

  • Quadruple Board Certified in Internal Medicine, Pulmonary Medicine, Critical Care, and Sleep Medicine.

  • Over 20 years teaching experience as both an exam preparation instructor and an assistant professor of medicine.

  • Experience as a medical director for both a Southern California Physician Assistant Program and a Respiratory Therapy Program.

Click here for full bio

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